The Newman Center is located at 1424 Horning Rd., Kent, OH 44240.
We are located adjacent to the Kent State University campus, across from the Center for the Performing Arts (formerly known as the Music and Speech Building) and behind Centennial E & F residence halls.
From the north: Take Rt. 43 South into Kent. Turn left at Haymaker Parkway/Rt. 59 East. At Willow Street, Haymaker Parkway becomes E. Main Street. Continue on E. Main Street, passing Old Campus, to Horning Road. Turn right onto Horning Road. The University Parish Newman Center will be on your right. Turn right directly before the church onto Theatre Drive for parking.
From the south: Take Rt. 43 North into Kent. After crossing Rt. 261, Rt. 43 becomes South Water Street. Follow South Water Street to Haymaker Parkway/Rt. 59 East. Turn right onto Haymaker Parkway. At Willow Street, Haymaker Parkway becomes E. Main Street. Continue on E. Main Street, passing Old Campus, to Horning Road. Turn right onto Horning Road. The University Parish Newman Center will be on your right. Turn right directly before the church onto Theatre Drive for parking.
Parking: During the weekend, in the evening, or for special events you may park in the Kent State University C-lot in front of the church. If you are dropping by for a visit or an appointment on a week day, please park in our circle driveway.
A note about web mapping our location: Google Maps correctly maps 1424 Horning; for GPS or other web mapping sites try using 5899 Horning Road instead.