Our first full day in El Salvador entailed a multitude of unforgettable events. One of the biggest blessings of the day was the opportunity to celebrate Mass with Padre Rafael in La Laguna. Warm, sun kissed air billowed through the open doors, and the people sang so loud and passionately the church was beaming with Christ’s love.
As we were leaving the church, we met a young American Peace Corps volunteer named Mark, who had been serving in La Laguna for several weeks, trying to obtain funding for scholarships for university students in El Salvador. As he explained what he’d been through and seen there, he informed us that for a student to attend university in El Salvador, it costs a mere $400 a year; however, most of the families still cannot afford that. As he said this, my heart began to sink.
When I think of all the things we spend $400 on in the U.S., it’s unimaginable to think that people can’t afford to pay that even for an education. It made me realize how much power we have to make a difference in the lives of the people of El Salvador, how easy it would be to donate money towards their education, or even to sponsor a student through college. In the following days of the trip, Padre stressed to us that the only way things would improve for El Salvador, and for other developing countries, was through education. We are so blessed and fortunate to live in a country like the United States, and I believe it is our responsibility to give back some of what we’ve been blessed with, no matter how much or how little. As Mother Teresa once said, “Small acts, when multiplied by millions can transform the world.”
I’d like to thank the young man we met on that beautiful Sunday morning for helping me realize how true and realistic this is, and all those of the Newman Center Parish who generously supported our journey to El Salvador and made this experience possible.
If you're a college student and are interested in helping a fellow university student in El Salvador, I'd love to hear from you! E-mail me at [email protected].